TR90 Workout Plan (Week 3)

So you have been sticking around your fitness routine and are on week 3 of your TR90 Program and I hope you are feeling good! In this post I am introducing yet another 3 simple moves that will strengthen your core, hamstrings, and just like the Week 2, I’ve included deep squat (introduced for 1st Week Workout Routine) as the staple routine.

Plank Knee to Elbow Twist Reach

This move works your arm, hamstrings and abs.


Rep: 10

  • Start in straight-arm plank.
  • Tighten your abs and bring your left knee to the outside of the same arm, back to planking position; bring your right knee to the outside of your right arm, back to planking position.
  • Twist sideway to straight right arm plank position, reach left arm to the air.
  • Twist sideway to straight left arm plank position, reach right arm to the air. 
  • Do 10 reps.

Hip Raise

The hip raise builds stability and strength around the hips. The movement also increases strength in the glutes, core, and hamstrings. Hip Raise is one of the best at building the strength of glutes, and has multiple variations, though this make it one of the most versatile exercises that doesn’t require any equipment, it will help building better strength with added weights.

Rep: 10 reps.

  • Lay face up on the bench (or floor) with your arms at your side and knees bent, feet firmly panted bench (or floor).
  • Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Pause in the up position, then lower your body back to the starting position.

Glute Kick Back

Muscles worked: Glutes.

Rep: 10 reps (i.e. 5 each side)

  1. Kneel on the floor or an exercise mat and bend at the waist with your arms extended in front of you (perpendicular to the torso) in order to get into a kneeling push-up position but with the arms spaced at shoulder width. Your head should be looking forward and the bend of the knees should create a 90-degree angle between the hamstrings and the calves. This will be your starting position.
  2. As you exhale, lift up your right leg until the hamstrings are in line with the back while maintaining the 90-degree angle bend. Contract the glutes throughout this movement and hold the contraction at the top for a second.  Tip: At the end of the movement the upper leg should be parallel to the floor while the calf should be perpendicular to it.
  3. Go back to the initial position as you inhale and now repeat with the left leg.
  4. Continue to alternate legs, 5 reps each leg.

Deep Squats

Deep squat is my staple routine and I’ve include it in TR90 Workout Plan for Week 1, I would recommend adding reps each week and you may start doing squats with weights to provide additional work for the muscles. Deep squats can be performed with dumbbells, such as goblet squats.

Complete the whole of the above to consider completing one set, perform 3 sets each session. Execute at least one session a day, everyday. 

Additional References / Resources:

I’ve personally benefited by this no starve meal plan (use discount code Corra10 for 10% discount) and benefited from it hence would highly recommend it, it is optional, and it is NOT endorsed by Nu Skin.

Disclaimer: This article is to share my personal TR90 Workout Plan and it is not endorsed by Nu Skin, I am however affiliating with Nu Skin so if you are interested to know more about TR90 (90 Days Transformation Weight Management Program), feel free to find out How To Get TR90 Weight Management System at Wholesale Price from Nu Skin’s official webstore so your purchase is honoured by Nu Skin itself, or, if you are an influencer and keen to include protein shake from TR90 System to be part of your product reviews, I would like to welcome you to sign up for our sampling campaign – just cover the shipping and let me know where to ship the protein shake to for free. 🙂

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