Lego packing says it’s for age 4-99, I so happen to fall within the category and in this blog post I’m going to share how I’ve made my own version of Lego Traffic Light with basic parts.
Lego has always been part of our life since I’ve became a parent. We visited Legoland Malaysia last month and since then we are hooked, building with bricks had become family activity and we will do it together at least once a week – kids do it every evening 😄.
Gray Baseplate
When hubs picked up the gray baseplate (10701) during check out on the weekend I did asked him what’s that for, and he said it’s usually for roads setup, it’s funny to discover that I’m the only person who’ve asked, kids just started to build stuff on it, then Claire asked, “Mommy, how do I build a traffic light?”
4 Steps to Make a Lego Traffic Light
I took a look at what we have got and I’m only choosing the most common bricks parts to make this. Being a jewelry artist that writes Step by Step Jewelry Tutorials / Instructions, I still have the tendency to pen down steps and procedures to reproduce something, if you’ve stumbled upon this blog post because you’re researching on How to build a Lego Traffic Light, i hope you find this useful!
List of Parts

The parts I’ve use include:
Transparent Round Plates
1 x 4599535 Pink-Trans Round Plate (or 3005741 Red-trans)
1 x 3005748 Green-Trans Round Plate
1 x 3005744 Yellow-Trans Round Plate
Solid Color Round Plates
1 x 614121 Red Round Plate
1 x 614124 Yellow Round Plate
1 x 4569058 Green Round Plate
1 x 4579260 (Brick 1×1 with 1 knob)
1 x Standard With Foot 2x2x5 6003098
1 x Round Brick 1×1 306226
1 x Plate 2×4 302026 Black
Step 1: Build Traffic Light Pole

Step 2: Attach 2×4 Plate

Step 3: Build Signal Lights

Step 4: Attach Signal Lights to 2×4 Black Plate

Done! Kids were impressed (I don’t know why?) and I think it’s pretty awesome to know that now we have enough parts to build something on the fly without needing any instructions / guide.

Now your turn to be creative, share your blog post link (or facebook / instagram link) to show me your version of Lego Traffic Light. 🙂