数天前为了尝试做北海道杯子蛋糕,用 7 个蛋做了一波的卡斯达酱,北海道杯子蛋糕目前还未研制成功,需要时间再找找合适的食谱。我不知道卡斯达酱可以冷藏多久,只是打开冰箱看着一盒漂亮的卡斯达酱让我很有负担,想尽快把它消耗掉。朋友建议了水果挞,我们这就来试试看。
- 卡斯达酱 Custard
- 挞壳 Tart Shell
- 镜面果胶 Clear Pectin Glaze
卡斯达酱所需食材 / Ingredients for Custard
- 100g 蛋黃 Egg Yolk
- 100g 幼糖 Granulated Sugar
- 42g 低筋面粉 Cake Flour
- 500ml 牛奶 Fresh Milk
- ¼ tsp 香草精 Vanilla Essence
- 25g 無鹽奶油 Unsalted Butter
参考食谱: Thermomix Cookidoo 日本麵包店专用卡斯达 食谱
挞壳所需食材 . Ingredients for Mini Tart Shell
- 200g 面粉 All Purpose Flour
- 100g 无盐奶油(冷,切块)Unsalted Sugar (Cold, Cubed)
- 15g 幼糖 Granulated Sugar
- 1 个 蛋黄 Egg Yolk
- 20-30ml 凉水 Chilled Water
参考食谱: Thermomix 使用者联盟 Mini Bakewell Tarts 食谱,这虽是个未经 Thermomix 官方实验的食谱,但我试过了,有成功做出挞壳。
镜面果胶所需食材 . Ingredients for Clear Pectin Glaze
- 200g 水 All Purpose Flour
- 200g 幼糖 Granulated Sugar
- 10g 粉状果胶 Powdered Pectin
所使用器材/工具 . Tools used
- Thermomix TM5
- 不锈钢小型打蛋器 Egg beater
- 能完美切开蛋糕和面包的学厨烘培刀 Bread knife
- 学厨 Spatula

- 蛋黄和蛋白分开。你会用上多少个鸡蛋完全取决于蛋本身的重量。在这个制作里,蛋白是完全不会被使用的,即便如此,也别把珍贵的蛋白浪费掉,把它做成健康料理是不错的选择。
- 將蛋黃放入主锅,以 2分/40°C/速度 2 搅拌。
- 加入糖,以3分/60°C/速度 2.5 搅拌。
- 加入低筋面粉,以1分/60°C/速度 3混合。
- 加入牛奶和香草精,以10分/aroma/速度 2.5烹煮。
- 加入无盐奶油,以5分/aroma/速度 3混合。
- 放涼後放入密封保鮮盒中冷藏保存,依食譜說明使用。
Instruction for Making Japanese Custard Recipe (Thermomix)
- Separate the egg yolks and egg whites. The number of eggs you use will entirely depend on the weight of the eggs themselves. In this recipe, the egg whites will not be used at all — please don’t waste the precious egg whites; making them into a healthy dish is a good choice.
- Place yolks into TM bowl, mix 2min/40°C/Speed 2.
- Add sugar, mix 3min/60°C/Speed 2.5.
- Sift in bread flour, mix 1min/60°C/Speed 3.
- Add milk and Vanilla extract, cook 10min/aroma/Speed 2.5.
- Add unsalted butter, cook 5min/aroma/Speed 3.
- After cooling, place it in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator, follow recipe’s instruction when you want to use it.

我在着手制作前先看了很多教学,传统方式虽然不复杂,但是因为我本身是 Thermomix 使用者,就觉得如果能配合使用,一定能省去不少功夫。这里分享的就是 Thermomix 做法:
- 将 200g 面粉、100g 无盐奶油(切块)和 15g 细砂糖放入主锅,10秒 速度 6 混合。将食材刮下集中回主锅底部。
- 加入 1 个蛋黄、30ml 凉水,启动揉面功能,揉 20秒。
- 在平台上撒上面粉,将锅内的面团倒在平台上。
- 用手揉至成团,然后稍微把它压扁,用保鲜膜包起,放入冰箱至少 30 分钟。
- 30 分钟后将面团取出,用面团棒将面团压扁至 2-3mm 厚。
- 我用的是直径 5cm 的小蛋糕烤馍,所以要用直径 5cm 的慕斯圈蛋糕模具切割。这个食谱能够切出至少 28 个直径 5cm 的挞壳。
- 将切好的挞壳铺在小蛋糕烤模上。
- 我用木制蛋挞压皮器将挞皮一一压入模内。
- 用小叉子在铺好的挞壳底部刺洞。
- 挞壳准备功夫完成。
- 将挞壳连同烤模一并放入冷冻库(freezer)至少 30 分钟。
- 25 分钟后,将烤箱以 180C 预热;5 分钟后,将冷冻库里的挞壳取出,放入预热好的烤箱烤,烤 30-45 分钟,直至金黄。
Instruction for Making Tart Shell
I’ve watched many tutorials from the internet before I started preparing. While the traditional method is not complicated, since I am a Thermomix user myself, I felt that if I could use it in conjunction, it would definitely save me a lot of effort. Here is the Thermomix method I’m sharing:
- Place 200g All-purpose-flour, 100g unsalted butter (cubed) and 15g granulated sugar into TM bowl, mix 10sec SP6. Scrape down the ingredients.
- Add 1 egg yolk, 30ml chilled water, set to Dough function and knead for 20 seconds.
- Turn the mixture onto a floured surface, knead slightly and press together to form a smooth, palm sized flat square.
- Wrap the dough in cling wrap and place it in refrigerator for about 30 minutes to rest.
- Remove dough after 30 minutes, roll out the dough to 2-3mm thick on a slightly floured surface.
- I was using 5mm round mousse mould and I was able to cut 24-28 tart shell from this recipe.
- Line mini cupcake pan with the pastry.
- Gently mold the pastry to the mini cupcake mould, I was using a wooden moulding tool.
- Prick shell base with a fork.
- Preparation for Tart Shell is now completed.
- Freeze the tart shells together with the mould for about 30 minutes.
- Preheat oven at 180°C, then remove pastry from freezer when time is up, bake 30-45 minutes until golden brown.

- 把 200ml 水煮开,转小火,不要熄灭。
- 再另一个调理碗里将 200g 细砂糖和 10g 果胶粉混合
- 将混合好的粉均匀徐徐撒入正在翻滚的开水中,同时不停搅拌。
- 继续煮 2 分钟。
- 趁果胶还处于液体状,将要用到的份量倒入小碗,将其余倒入可密封储存的玻璃罐子/容器。
- 将果胶摊至八分凉。
Instruction for Making Clear Pectin Glaze
- Bring 200ml water to a boil in a small sauce pan.
- WHISK sugar and pectin together in another small bowl.
- Drizzle sugar and pectin mix into boiling water, whisking constantly.
- Boil 2 minutes.
- Pour out portion of it for this project, and the rest into airtight container while it’s still liquid.
- COOL until just barely warm. Don’t use hot glaze on fruit.

将水果切成适合布置水果挞的大小备用。因为喜欢色彩缤纷的水果挞,我选用了草莓、奇艺果、蓝莓和芒果。迷你水果挞直径只有 5cm,所以水果不能太大块 – 草莓切分 4 块、奇艺果切片后每片切半、芒果切成 5mm 块状,蓝莓不切。
- 将冰箱里的卡斯达酱装入安装了花嘴的裱花袋(我用了圆形花嘴)。
- 将卡斯达酱挤入挞壳,约 7 成满。
- 将水果裹一层薄薄的果胶,再摆上水果挞。(寻常操作是布置完毕才扫果胶,但我觉得因为一切都很袖珍很迷你,先裹果胶在摆上比较工整。
Assembling Mini Fruit Tart
Cut the fruits into sizes suitable for arranging on the fruit tarts. Because I love colorful fruit tarts, I chose strawberries, kiwi, blueberries, and mango. Since the mini fruit tarts have a diameter of only 5 cm, the fruit pieces should not be too large – cut strawberries into 4 pieces, slice kiwis and cut each slice in half, cut mango into 5mm cubes, and leave blueberries whole.
- Insert refrigerated custard into icing bag with piping nozzle.
- Squeeze appropriate amount of custard into tart shell, about 70% full.
- Coat fruist with glaze then onto the tart with custard. Though the usual practice is to brush the fruit glaze after arranging everything, but I think because everything is very small and mini, it’s neater to apply the fruit glaze first before arranging.