Few days ago as I was sharing social media marketing tips with the team, they picked one of my Glacial Marine Mud mask photos I’ve shared on social media platform and asked, “What camera were you using?”
This brought us to discussing a brand new topic, and I thought I should blog about it for everyone’s future reference.
Choose Your Camera
DSLR sure can produce much better quality’s photos but IMHO it takes up too much processing time & storage, as a social media marketers I don’t really need my photos to be extraordinary, just something simple and can be prepared quickly and nicely. DSLR is nice to have, but not for me at least for now.
I use iPhone camera for all my products shooting for 5 years now, even when I was still running my handmade jewelry business. With some basic photography tips and techniques, phone cameras is able to capture awesome photos too.
Believe me when I said lighting is a make or break of a product photography. If you have limitation on setting up studio standard lightings, I would suggest you to learn to capture your photos under natural day lights. I do have a foldio of which I’ve bought to shoot my jewelry photos back then, it’s an awesome alternative if your product is tiny.
In this blog post I’m going to demonstrate few photos compositions i often use. In this demo it will be photo-shooting of EPOCH Glacial Marine Mud Mask Sachets (Request for Free Sample).
Note: It’s going to worth your while if you’d spend some time to work on the visual. Generally you only have 2 seconds to catch your viewer’s attention with your content and a good visual usually can do the job.

There are 5.3m #flatlay posts on instagram as of today that demonstrates flatlays. A flat lay is a picture taken from a birds eye view of a collection of items laid out on a flat surface. Usually there will be one item that is the main focus of the shot known as the hero or focal, all the other items in the flat lay are there to complement the hero piece. Here’s a demonstration of flatlay of EPOCH Glacial Marine Mud (photo credit: de Cor’s Beauty)

Perspective, photo taken from side
Viewers would want to see the product from every angles too to roughly gauge it’s size, the weight and probably the product material, so don’t just capture your products from above, place your camera lower to capture it from prospectives to help your viewers understand more. Picture below demonstrated the same product arrangement with different angles. Your goal is to include as many information as possible through your lens.
Sense of Scale

Some products may not be easily recognizable by viewers. This is where giving a sense of scale can be very helpful. If you include an item in the image that people are familiar with, it can really help to visualize the size of the product. For example, if the product is a miniature doll, you could place an object like a standard sized pencil next to it; In this image, holding the sachets itself will give viewers great sense of scale – they know what they are expecting – the size, the shape and probably the weight. Take pictures of your product next to an item that will help people relate to it in real life. For example, if you are selling a coffee table book, take a shot of the opened book on an actual table with a small fruit bowl next to it. If you take a picture of a watch, show it on someone’s wrist. If you are selling clothing or jewelry, having at least one picture of your product on a model is great. Potential buyers will get an idea of how the item will look on them and also, it could show the type of target audience you’re aiming for.
Minimalist, a lifestyle that promotes Minimalisms, has slowly become more and more popular in product shooting these days. Product pictures with lesser objects catches attention because of it’s bright and clean composition, it may or may not work for everyone but looking at the amount of new processed data being produced every seconds these days, people now seek for something with lesser “things”.
The Minimalists is a rich repository that can help you to understand what is minimalism, how to live with less, and how to achieve it. Check it out if that interests you.
Below picture is an edited photo to demonstrated how to integrate a product into a visual with minimalist concept.

Other than the above commonly used product photos, I must say nothing beats a real, honest, genuine testimonials. Data says 92% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials when considering a purchase. 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, 72% of them say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more and data says 50 or more reviews per product can mean a 4.6% increase in conversion rates.

Glacial Marine Mud is a simple and natural way to softer, smoother toned skin. Revitalising clay mask with sea botanicals draws out dirt and impurities from the skin. Contains extremely fine mud particles and leaves skin feeling fresh, renewed and healthy-looking. Suitable for all skin types, if you are interested in giving it a try, you may join the EPOCH Glacial Marine Mud Sampling Campaign that de Cor’s Beauty is currently running, just cover the shipping and tell them where to ship, you should receive 3 sachets of 5ml each Glacial Marine Mud Mask. If you are interested to buy EPOCH Glacial Marine Mud, you can buy directly from their official webstore through me (I will earn some referrals). The main benefit of buying through the official webstore is to ensure your purchases are qualified for company’s generous satisfaction guarantee (where applicable), and products guaranteed to be tamper free, best of all, you may also find out how to buy it at wholesale price (our lowest price) from me. Make sure you check out the purchasing guide to buy at lowest price without minimum: