It’s school holiday, so more time for fancy stuff. My 6 years old requested for pancake and I thought maybe fluffy pancake tiny bites works better for his milk teeth.
Premixed Pancake Flour ingredients |松饼预拌粉食材:
- 300g cake flour 低筋面粉
- 6g baking powder 泡打粉
- 90g caster sugar 细砂糖
- 2g salt 盐
Mix well and store it in the refrigerator, and make pancake as and when you would like to. 彻底搅拌后收进密封式收纳盒,放进冰箱,那就可以随时能够快速地制作简易松饼啦!

Pancake ingredients |松饼食谱:
- 50g of Premixed Pancake Flour from above 松饼预拌粉
- 1 full egg 全蛋
Cooking Steps:
- Mix Pancake Ingredients well with egg beater. 使用手动打蛋器搅拌均匀。
- Heat up the frying pan with butter. 将煎锅放入少许牛油烧热。
- Scope the mix and cook with low heat for 2 minutes (to make these tiny bite size, scope 1 teaspoon at a time). 倒入面糊,低温煮 2 分钟(欲制如图中的一口松饼,请每次只勺 1 茶匙面糊)。
- Flip after 2 minutes, continue to cook for 1 minute then remove it from frying pan. 2 分钟后翻转,继续煮 1 分钟,取出。
- Decorate and serve. 将松饼打扮漂亮然后乘热吃掉。

- Banana 香蕉
- Blueberries 蓝莓
- Icing sugar 糖粉
- Pure Maple Syrup 枫糖浆
Note: I’ve included links to ingredients / tools I’ve used for your reference, do your own study before buying anything.